Best Dressing Recipe
Thanksgiving just ended and I thought I would share with y'all what my most requested side item is-My Mama's Dressing! It's my favorite dish to eat on Thanksgiving and it is something that can be made an endless amount of ways! First off, let's note that this is DRESSING, not STUFFING. I'm not the biggest fan of the stuffing stuff, it's a little too moist for my taste and isn't filled with all the deliciousness that my dressing has.
I make this in a big casserole dish and I would say this recipe has 15 servings at least. So here's what I do:
So you can definitely adjust this to your liking. If you don't like that many eggs, lower it. If you don't like the strong onion flavor, forget it! Adjust this, and every recipe you make, to fit your taste buds and preferences. Let's break down the steps I do to make mine:
First, go ahead and pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Next, boil about 8 eggs. If you don't want that many feel free to lower it, but this is how I like it. Then brown your 2 packs of Jimmy Dean Sage Sausage. When I brown it, I season it with poultry season, garlic powder and onion powder.
Grab a really big mixing bowl and add (in this order):
-Day or two cornbread (entire pan)
(SIDE NOTE: My mom says you have to make cornbread at least the night before and leave it uncovered in the stove overnight to let it stale a bit. That makes a big difference in the taste and texture it gives.)
-Chopped white onion (about 2), celery (about 4 stalks), fresh parsley and green onions.
-Stuffing Mix (entire bag, any kind you like)
-1 or 2 eggs...2 eggs if you want it more moist
-Large can of Cream of Chicken
-Small can of chicken broth
-Poultry season, garlic powder and onion powder
Once the eggs boil, peel and slice them into big chunks and add to mixing bowl. Small pieces will get lost so I make them a good size. Then, take the browned sausage and add that to the mixing bowl. Mix all ingredients together really well and then add them to a large casserole dish. Put them in the oven that you preheated to 350 for about 45 minutes. I never actually time this, I just keep my eye on it. I like to check by giving it a jiggle and seeing if it moves. Once it stops moving I like to take it out. If you want it more moist, you could do less time and just shake it to see how well done you want it.

I hope you and your loved ones enjoy this recipe as much as I do! Don't forget to share this recipe on Pinterest and visit my YouTube channel, Murrayed Life. You can also follow me on Instagram to see the other foods I'm cooking up: alicia_r_murray
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